Lawyers Defending California Acupuncture Board Licenses
As an acupuncturist, your practice of nontraditional medicine, originating more than two thousand years ago, makes you an integral player in the world of alternative health care providers.
Among the reasons people visit your acupuncture practice are headache pain, asthma, or arthritis. But we know that as an acupuncturist, you also treat a wide variety of other conditions such as addictions, stroke rehabilitation, menstrual cramps, lower-back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and even tennis elbow. Many physicians include your services as a complementary form of medicine to help treat and control a plethora of conditions and illnesses, your fees now reimbursable through many insurance carriers.
You must be both skillful and competent when accurately inserting and manipulating needles to avoid the potential for causing pain, infection, and punctured organs. But your skills are not contained there. Your patients also rely on you for recommendations for lifestyle changes and modifications in diet and exercise whenever warranted.
Not unlike that of a physician, an acupuncturist’s license can be subjected to or included in malpractice lawsuits and accusations by patients. If you have prepared yourself for a career as an acupuncturist and are finding roadblocks being thrown in your way by the state of California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Accupuncture Board, or have been notified of an accusation against your current license, don’t go it alone. Call Rose Law at (800) 456-3767 to speak to an acupuncture license attorney today.