California Paramedic License Defense Attorneys
You are our local, modern-day heroes. As a paramedic, you and your team respond to the scene of an accident or sudden illness like descending saviors ready to calm, assess, and treat a medical emergency. Paramedics respond to calls day and night, in pouring rain and scorching heat, for the rich or poor. You must not shy away from the most brutal of circumstances.
There are fewer experiences more impressive than to watch paramedics do their jobs efficiently. Your are, above all, confident leaders. You must have excellent judgment and the ability to prioritize decisions and act quickly in the best interests of your patients. Your discipline and calmness in the midst of chaos is key to establishing rapport with patients, dealing with unwilling subjects, and observing safety for yourself and others at the scene as well. And your ability to function independently at an optimum level in a non-structured environment is key to your job function.
Paramedic License Defense Lawyers in California
The job of paramedic does not come without its personal challenges, as men and women who work in this demanding profession are responsible legally, ethically and morally for each drug administered, conforming to a treatment protocol or algorithm appropriate for each unique situation. You must work within a defined scope of practice adhering to the standard of care, observe and document the effects of the drugs administered, keep abreast of changes, trends and contraindications in administration and use of these drugs and understand, through interview and observation techniques, which drugs are appropriate to patients based on signs and symptoms. The invasive techniques you use must become second nature to you, leaving no doubt that the prescribed treatment is being given to each and every accident or illness victim.
As a paramedic, you must be able to deal with adverse and often dangerous situations, including responding to calls in districts known to have high crime and mortality rates. EMS professionals are guardians of the sick and injured. Your commitment to working with people must be unconditional, carrying with it a solid emotional stability, a tolerance for high stress, and the ability to meet the physical and intellectual demands put on you.
The mere nature of what you are trained to do leaves your license, issued by the California Board of Emergency Medical Services, easy prey for lawsuits and accusations, placing it in jeopardy. If you are in this position or are just finding it difficult to obtain your California paramedic’s license after seemingly doing everything right, call Rose Law at (800) 456-3767 to see how a competent license attorney can help.